Grabbing Water was a solo show held at Revolve Gallery in Asheville, North Carolina during April through May of 2023.
“At first, I found it hard to sit down and articulate a concept for this show. I find it challenging in general to pre-meditate what my creative work will be about. When I am making, I tend to work extremely impulsively. Deciding my materials, colors, marks, and movements as they come. It allows me to be present in fleeting moments. Process without overthinking. Allowing what needs to be heard come to the surface. After creating multiple pieces from this series then sitting and reflecting with them, I started to connect some dots. The past 2 years of my life have been turbulent. At times I’ve felt frantic, hurt, loved, overwhelmed, defeated, hopeful. During this, I have tried to muster some control. I naturally feel deep responsibility for many facets in my life, and with that I bear a self imposed weight that never seems to go away. However, I have realized that no matter how much I strive for control, there is always something that seems unresolved. The pieces in this series are an exploration/processing of the push and pull I feel with control. How it seems that no matter how hard we try to manage and master fate, we learn that life is going to happen anyway. As I was sitting by the river one day, I was running my hands through the water. It felt so soft and lush and full that I wanted so badly to grab it and take it with me. But there’s no way to grab water. Just like there’s no way to grab and control life.”